General Józef Wybicki 
Junior High School
Number 24 in Lodz

European citizens in my city,
              the citizens of my city in Europe.

Liceo Scientifico "Pitagora" Rende, Italy











Corrado Alvaro

Corrado Alvaro was born in San Luca (Reggio Calabria) in 1895 and he died in Rome in 1956. He fought in the first world war and his first work Poesie grigioverdi was deeply influenced by this experience(1917). He contributed to the “Mondo” of G. Amendola, and in 1930-1935 he travelled abroad like special correspondent from famous newspapers. In 1946-47 he managed the “Risorgimento” newspaper.
He made his first narrative experiences with the stories of L’amata alla finestra (1929) inspired to his land of origin and to his ancient myths. We find an originality of themes and language in Gente di Aspromonte (1930) in which the realistic representation of Calabria’s life is mixed with the sentimental recalling of a popular archaic and magic world. The technique of narration, which can unite chorality and cavil of analysis, shows to have the most advanced experiences of European culture. During the last years of his life he wrote L’uomo è forte, romance about collective anguish written with allegorical-political tones. Followed the stories of Incontri d’amore.